Case Study: Community Change Through the Power of Collaboration

In a concerted effort to combat drug use, Cambria and Somerset counties in western Pennsylvania joined forces in 2011 to implement the Botvin LifeSkills Training program. Over the last six years, classrooms across the region have received the evidence-based program thanks to strategic focus and funding by the United Way of the Laurel Highlands, 1889 Foundation, Twin Lakes Center, Cambria County…

Case Study: Carmel USD, Significant Reductions in Bullying, Drugs & Alcohol

Carmel Unified School district (CUSD) has reason to celebrate this school year as they find bullying, drugs and alcohol use are dwindling due to a multi-year implementation of Botvin LifeSkills Training (LST). Based on the most recent California Healthy Kids Survey results (2014-15), CUSD has seen reductions upwards of 50% for alcohol/drug use and incidents often associated with bullying. CUSD’s…

Case Study: Community-based Prevention Reduces Alcohol, Tobacco, & Marijuana Use

Indian River County, Florida, is devoted to providing adolescents and teens with the tools and skills needed to build confidence, courage, self-esteem, and to successfully handle challenging situations. They have implemented the Botvin LifeSkills Training (LST) program in a comprehensive, community-wide effort to reduce the likelihood of teen use throughout their community. In doing so, the County has demonstrated its commitment to reducing the…